
Sardine Can

Material: Tinplate, Aluminum
Main Application: Beverage, Fruits, Vegetable, Meat, Aquatic Products, etc..


3-Piece Cans, Round
Diameter x Height
Diameter x Height
Inches Millimeters Volume Inches Millimeters Volume
202*109 52*39 70ml 307*112 83*44 207ml
202*204 52*57 109ml 307/303*112 83/78*44 200ml
202*308 52*89 178ml 307*202 83*54 261ml
202*314 52*98 197ml 307*206 83*60 294ml
202*402 52*104 210ml 307*213 83*71 354ml
202*504 52*133 272ml 307*308 83*89 419ml
307*400 83*101 517ml
202/200*504 52/50*133 250ml 307*407 83*113 583ml
307*410 83*117 604ml
211*200 65*51 154ml
211*211 65*68 207ml 401*113 99*46 307ml
211*213 65*72 221ml 401*201 99*53 361ml
211*300 65*76 234ml 401/315*201 99/96*53 355ml
211*400 65*101 314ml 401/403*203 99*56 390ml
401*207 99*62 430ml
300*201 73*51 187ml 401*211 99*69 483ml
300/214*201 73/70*51 180ml 401*214 99*73 514ml
300*203 73*56 208ml 401*304 99*83 591ml
300*208 73*63 237ml 401*409 99*116 845ml
300*301 73*78 300ml 401*412 99*121 883ml
300*304 73*83 321ml 401*414 99*124 906ml
300*308 73*89 346ml
300*400 73*102 400nl 502*804 127*210 2584ml
300*403 73*106 417ml
300*407 73*110 434ml 603*304 153*83 1423ml
300/214*407 73/70*113 435ml 603*312 153*95 1644ml
300*407 73*113 446ml 603*408 153*114 1996ml
300*409 73*116 459ml 603*411 153*119 2088ml
300*500 73*117 505ml 603*603 153*156 2772ml
300*506 73*137 546nl 603*700 153*178 3178ml


Buy Sardine Tin Cans for Sale from Autecpack.com

Sardine tin cans or fish cans are considered as the best option to go with when it comes to choosing empty sardine tin cans. This type of tin can is usually made of aluminum. But it’s not necessary every time as you can also find empty sardine cans for sale that could be made of iron or tinplate.


If you want to choose best empty sardine tin cans, we at Autecpack come with a huge assortment of tin containers. Here, you are going to unveil a guide on how you can buy sardine tin cans for sale from autecpack.com.


Why Are You Looking for Sardine Tin Cans for Sale?


There is an objective behind every demand. If you want to choose sardine tin cans, it means that you need the same. You won’t like to choose sardine tin cans for sale if you don’t need the same.

So, if you want to make best deal to purchase club container or sardine cans, you need to take your container requirements into consideration. You should evaluate your specific requirements for choosing certain type of container.

When you decide to choose a tin container sardine, you need to keep a few things in mind.


1. Can You Afford Buying Sardine Cans for Sale?


Whether you want to acquire oval tin or sardine cans, you should go through your budget. It’s a known fact that you will never like to end up with tin containers that you may not afford.


So, having evaluated your requirements for choosing tin sardine cans, you also need to evaluate your budget. Keeping your budget in mind can help you to make best deal on buying products such as procure round canister and sardine tin cans.

We at Autecpack provide sardines tin cans at most reasonable price on the internet.


2. Empty Sardine Tin Cans – What Are the Options?


You would always like to choose best empty sardine tin containers. Thus, you need to know about the available options for the same. By exploring autecpack.com, you can access to different types of sardine tin cans to buy.  


We at Autecpack provide different sizes, designs and storage capacity of sardine tin cans to buy online. We believe in catering to the specific container requirements of our elite clients like you.


Thus, we customized at Autecpack provide solutions when it comes to buying best tin can sealing machine or sardine tin cans.


3. Don’t Compromise with the Quality of Sardine Tin Containers

Whether you want to obtain tuna can or sardine empty container from autecpack.com, you should always take quality of the same into consideration. Product quality is something that helps you to decide whether you should go with the specific product or not.


We at Autecpack guarantee you for the best quality of sardine tin containers online. Whether you want to get empty cylindrical container or tin can sardines, you should always evaluate the quality of the materials used in manufacturing the same products.


Why Should You Buy Sardine Tin Cans for Sale from Autecpack.com?


Since you can find lots of sardine tin can manufacturers or suppliers online, you want to know the reasons behind choosing autecpack.com. We at Autecpack come as the best sardine tin containers supplier online.


There are various reasons that insist you to buy can lids or sardine tin containers from autecpack.com. So, let’s know the reasons of why you should buy sardine tin cans online for sale from autecpack.com.


  • We have sardine tin containers made of aluminum and tinplate. So, you have two choices in terms of selecting metals of the cans. 
  • We at Autecpack concentrate on the security of stuffs put inside a sardine can. Thus, we come with high-quality, secured and safe sardines containers for sale. 
  • Whether you want to choose 2 piece tin cans or 3 piece tin cans, we at Autecpack provide best collection of tin cans online to buy. The more you have product choices, the better decision you will make. 
  • Our main objective behind introducing sardine tin cans is to cater to the needs of our clients like you. Since different customers have different requirements, we provide customized empty sardine tin cans for sale. 
  • Whether you want to invest in rectangular can or sardine can, we at Autecpack help you to make the best possible decision. 

What Is the Process to Buy Empty Sardine Cans for Sale?


Now, you would like to learn how to buy empty sardine or fish cans online from autecpack.com. The process to buy empty sardine tin cans online is easy and fast.


You just need to follow stated below steps to buy top-quality empty sardine cans from autecpack.com.


  • First, you need to visit at autecpack.com. 
  • Here, you should search for a product that you really need such as sardine tin containers. 
  • By searching the desired type of tin container, you will be redirected to the specific product category page. 
  • Here, you should choose a fish can/container of your choice. 
  • You can easily make the buying order online. 
  • Now, you need to pay the price for your chosen sardine empty tin cans. 
  • Once, you make the payment, you will be given confirmation about the same. 
  • Your product will be dispatched at your home or given address within a specific time frame. 

Do you want to get the best deal on buying sardine tin cans? You need to get in touch with us as soon as possible.




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